Thursday, July 21, 2011

Early Wheat Returns Catch Our Attention

Wheat harvest swung into high gear this week and yield reports have been impressive.  Mind you, the first wheat harvested is the first wheat planted last September.  The early planting date gives it an immediate advantage. 
Regardless, 100 bu /acre reports are common in both soft red and soft white.  I weighed some 25W36 at Norm Bilyea's today that went 113 bu/acre.  Add on the premiums paid for white wheat and serious money soon starts to pile up on the table.

The above shot is a strip trial at Rick Merkel's.   25R47 sprayed with Prosaro fungicide is on the left and the untreated check is on the right.  Prosaro, like most wheat fungicides, always gives the crop a healthier appearance.  Only when you see them side-by-side does the visual difference become striking.  How did it yield?

The check plot ran 99.1 bu and the Prosaro plot ran 100.6 bu /acre.  Visual differences don't always translate into yield diffferences, but for my money I will still take the Proasaro treated wheat.

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